Here and Queer: A Queer Girl’s Guide To Life

written by Rowan Ellis, illustrated by Jackie Sheridan

This vibrant, inclusive guide, designed for every kind of queer girl, is designed to help you be the strongest, proudest, happiest version of yourself! A celebration of the gift of queerness, it's packed full of heartfelt advice, comforting stories and stylish illustrations, and will give you the tools you need to explore your own identity, on your own terms.

From coming out and finding community, to queer style and history - this book is a celebration of the joy of queerness!

from Chapter 6: Looking After Your Mental Health

by Maz Hedgehog

When my feelings became too much, I would recite fragments of The Lady of Shallott by Alfred, Lord Tennyson or Daffodils by William Wordsworth. I wrote them down in notebooks, alongside lyrics from songs by Nightwish or the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Before I knew it, I was adding fragments of my own. I had always written poetry, stories in verse based on nursery rhymes or bible stories. But this was different, darker, messier. This had neither narrative, point, nor attempt at coherence. On the blank space of a page, in the blank moments between homework and bed, I could write out my anger and my pain and confusion. In the quiet solitude, I was neither watched nor judged; my only limit was what I dared. On those pages, I turned whoever I couldn’t stop thinking about into an angel or the sun, or the dawn or a demon. I imagined myself as a ravening monster, or a condemned sinner, anything to make sense of a mind I couldn’t control anymore.

Read the rest, with contributions from writers like Hafsa Qureshi, Mikaela Moody and more

Available now from:


It Ain't Over Til The Bisexual Speaks: An Anthology Of Bisexual Voices


Online Writings